Tag Archives: Christmas

Toys, Toys, and More Toys!

28 Dec

If you have children around the house, there’s bound to be toys, toys, and more toys.

There are the toys that you buy when your child doesn’t let go of it in the store. There are toys that you see are educational and that can help them develop, which you also end up buying. There are toys your child receives on his birthday or when friends and relatives come over to visit. And, of course, there are the presents (mostly toys) your child receives around the holidays, such as Christmas.

With so many toys, it gets me wondering whether children can really get through playing with all of them. From observing my own child, a young toddler, there are days where he can go through playing with 10 different toys in a day, whether he only spends a couple of seconds on one or several minutes on another.

The point is each toy has a different value. Toys are what help children learn and discover about the world around them.

Encourage your children to play with different types of toys to help him learn and discover everyday.

Over the holidays, my son received a unique puzzle as a present from close friends. He absolutely loves it and so do I. It’s a five-layer wood puzzle that helps children discover and learn about their body. Read up more about this toy from my HubPages site.